02/03 Pllek, Amsterdam (NL)
03/03 La Batterie, Guyancourt (FR)
04/03 Cultuurcentrum Berchem, Antwerp (BE)
05/04 Apolo, Barcelona (ES)
06/05 Madeira (PT)
02/06 Earth Garden Festival (Malta)

23/06 Clownia Festival, Sant Joan de les Abadesses (ES)
01/07 Terre de Culture, Autun (FR)
27/7 Iboga Summer Festival, Tavernes de la Valldinga (ES)

29/07 Braga (PT)
04/08 Festival Labyrinthe, Rochechouart (FR)
05/08 Chaves (PT)

11-12/08 (BE) TBA


9/3 DeRoma, Antwerp (BE)
9/3 De Centrale, Ghent (BE)
9/3 La Tricoterie, Brussels (BE)
8/4 Santiago Alquimista, Lisboa (PT)
23/4 Aniversário SHE,  Evora (PT) 
14/5 Jam’in Jette Festival, Brussels (BE)
9/6 Vila Nova de Milfontes (PT)
18/6 Pé na Terra, Fuzeta (PT)
2/7  Feira de S.João, Evora (PT)
9/7 Festival Terra, Mogadouro (PT)
16/7 Feztizaje, Leon (ES)
18/7 Trefpunt Festival, Ghent (BE)
21/7 Festival de Robion (FR)
23/7 Eco Festival de Fafe (PT)
24/7 Aturuxo Bar, Bueu, Galiza (ES)
17/8 Boom Festival, Idanha-a-Nova (PT)
18/8 Matese Friend Festival, Bojano (IT)
19/8 Ariano Folk Festival (IT)
20/8 Festival Radicazioni, Alessandria del Carretto (IT)
2/9 Arredas Folk Fest, Braga (PT) 
24/9 Festival Atlantikaldia, San Sebastian (ES)
7/10 “Oxalá” official Release, Mercado da Ribeira, LIsboa (PT) 
8/10 “Oxalá” official Release, HardClub, Porto (PT)
28/10 Ponta delgada, Azores (PT)
29/10 Ponta delgada, Azores (PT)
11/11 Cine Incrivel, Almada (PT)
12/11 Salão Brazil, Coimbra (PT)
25/11 Sala Caracol, Madrid (ES)
26/11 Festival Mestizao, Granada (ES)
and more to be announced



Along 15 years, the band has played around 500 times in more then 20 different countrys. Here is a list of the main festivals in wich the band has played around Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Benelux, Germany, and the rest of the World.

6 thoughts on “TOUR

  1. any plans for the Netherlands or Belgium? Heard you guys on a crazy night in Portugal in the middle of the night on the radio…want more now 😀

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